Bibliography: Selected Interviews

Kielmayer, Oliver and Lara Pan. From Then and Beyond: Interviews with Carolee Schneemann. Kunsthalle Winterthur, 2022.

“In the Beginning is Drawing: Carolee Schneemann in Conversation with Bonnie Marranca and Claire MacDonald.” PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 41, no. 2 (May 2019): 1–15.

Gioni, Massimiliano. “More than Meat Joy.” Mousse 48 (April 2015): 4–9.

Vogel, Wendy. “Q&A with Carolee Schneemann.” Modern Painters (February 2015): 55–57.

White, Kenneth. “Interview with Carolee Schneemann.” Third Rail 4 (2015): 15–22.

Hansen, Ron. “Interview with Carolee Schneemann.” White Fungus 12 (2012).

Bracewell, Michael. “Other Voices: Michael Bracewell Talks to Carolee Schneemann.” Frieze 62 (October 2002): 76–81.

“Conversations: Artist to Artist.” In The Art of Mary Beth Edelson, ed. Mary Beth Edelson and Amelia M. Trevelyan. New York: Seven Cycles, 2001, pp. 170–171.

Juhasz, Alexandra. “Carolee Schneemann.” In Women of Vision: Histories in Feminist Film and Video. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001, pp. 61–76.

Overweel, Pieternal. “Interview with Carolee Schneemann.” Kunstlicht 22, no. 4 (2001): 35–40.

“Where the Wild Things Are: An Interview with Steve Baker.” Cabinet 4 (Fall 2001): 90–94.

Rahmani, Aviva. “A Conversation on Censorship with Carolee Schneemann.” M/E/A/N/I/N/G: An Anthology of Artists’ Writings, Theory and Criticism, ed. Susan Bee and Mira Schor. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000, pp. 51–58.

Marranca, Bonnie & Gautam Dasgupta. “Carolee Schneemann: Performance and the Body” (interview with Robert Coe, 1979). Conversations on Art and Performance. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999, pp. 330–336.

Handelman, Michelle. “Tripod Women: Visionary Women: Carolee Schneemann.” (1998),

Haug, Kate. “Femme Experimentale: Interviews with Carolee Schneemann, Barbara Hammer, and Chick Strand.” Wide Angle: A Quarterly Journal of Film History, Theory, Criticism, and Practice 20, no. 1 (January 1998): 1–49.

Odita, Odili Donald. Interview extract and photograph in “The Body Issue.” Rude, 1997, p. 17. Interview published in its entirety at

Stavru, Bill. “Pandora Speaks: An Interview with Carolee Schneemann ’59.” The Bardian (Summer 1997): 1–4, 17.

Interview by Rebecca Schneider. In The Explicit Body. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1996.

Heyward, Carl. “Interview: Carolee Schneemann.” Art Papers 17, no. 1 (January/February 1993): 9–16. Reprinted in Interventions and Provocations: Conversations on Art, Culture, and Resistance, ed. Glenn Harper. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998, pp. 189–202.

Martin, Maureen. “Carolee Schneemann: Challenging Distortions by the Dominant Male Imagination.” VOX: Magazine of Contemporary Art and Culture (Spring 1992): 12–14.

“Carolee Schneemann: An Artweek Interview.” Art Week 22, no. 12 (March 28, 1991): 21.

Juno, Andrea, and V. Vale, eds. Angry Women, Re/Search 13. San Francisco: Re/Search Publications, 1991, pp. 66–77.

Peterson, William. “Interview with Carolee Schneemann.” Act: A Journal of Performance Art 2, no. 1 (1990): 54–57.

Smith, Barbara. “The Body in Politics.” Art Week 21, no. 32 (October 4, 1990): 24–25.

Sheffield Sanford, Christy. “Interview: Carolee Schneemann.” Red Bass 14 (1989): 16–23.

Rahmani, Aviva and Barbara Zucker. “Censorship and the Moscow Film Festival.” Enclitic (USC) 19 (Summer 1989): 79–81, 95.

Peterson, William. “Of Cats, Dreams and Interior Knowledge: An Interview with Carolee Schneemann.” Performance (London) 59 (1989): 11–23.

MacDonald, Scott. “Carolee Schneemann.” In A Critical Cinema: Interviews with Independent Filmmakers, Volume 1. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988, pp. 134–151.

Haller, Robert. “Rolling in the Maelstrom: A Conversation between Carolee Schneemann and Robert Haller.” Idiolects 14 (Spring 1984): 51–55.

Hellermann, William. “Schneemann.” In Abstract Painting 1960–69. New York: P.S. 1, 1983.

Montano, Linda. “Interview with Carolee Schneemann: Sex, Performance and the 80s.” The Flue, 1982.

Orloff, Kossia. “Women in Performance Art: The Alternate Persona.” Heresies 17 (1984): 36–37.

Abramson, Doris, Maria Irene Fornes, Carolee Schneemann, Florence Falk, Bonnie Marranca, and Rosette C. Lamont. “Women in the Theatre.” Centerpoint: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 3, nos. 3–4 (Fall/Spring 1980): 31–37.

MacDonald, Scott. “An Interview with Carolee Schneemann.” Afterimage, March 1980.

MacDonald, Scott. “Film & Performance: An Interview with Carolee Schneemann.” Millennium Film Journal 7/8/9 (1980–1981): 95–114.

“Through the Body: A Dialogue Between Carolee Schneemann and Amy Greenfield.” Field of Vision 4 (Fall 1978): 5–8.

Glassner, V. “Interviews with Three Filmmakers.” Time Out (London), March 1972, p. 47.